Google Provides $6.5 Million in Funding to Misinformation Fighters and Adds COVID-19 Hub to Google News

In a Google post dated April 2, Google announced it is “providing $6.5 million in funding to fact-checkers and nonprofits fighting misinformation around the world, with an immediate focus on coronavirus.” Google acknowledged that to make sense of all the  information being generated requires “a broad response, involving scientists, journalists, public figures, technology platforms and many others.” In an effort to help, Google is providing the funding to a number of nonprofits and organizations, such as First Draft, a provider of training and crisis simulations for reporters, various fact checking organizations, and primary expert source providers for journalists.

In an effort to provide the latest authoritative coverage on the COVID -19 outbreak, Google News has launched a hub that pulls together and organizes “all the latest news at the global and local level and latest guidance regarding prevention, symptoms, and treatment from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other authoritative sources.” At the hub, there are two tab options in which to browse: Latest and Global Impact. The default is set to Latest and here the news in grouped via the following sections: Top News, Local News, Economic Impact, Science & Research, Healthcare Impact, Travel Impact and More News. The Global Impact tab allows you to browse by specific regions: Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific.

Image Credit – Google News – COVID-19

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