IHS Markit announced it has launched its Data Lake, making it easier to explore and extract its vast amount of market intelligence, in addition to proprietary and third-party data. According to IHS Markit:
Our Data Lake empowers you to uncover business insights more quickly by exploring, accessing and coalescing our data, your data and third-party data on a single, cloud-based platform…The Data Lake is populated with 1,000 of our datasets from multiple industries, including financial services, automotive, maritime, energy and natural resources. To expedite time-to-value, these have been curated into more than 200 data packages. The Data Lake can also be used to store, organize and catalog your own proprietary and third-party data.
This follows two driving trends we are seeing in market intelligence offerings: 1) self service (ultimate form of customization), and 2) power platforms (platform upgrades incorporating greater amounts of data combined with analytics, AI, and machine learning capabilities to glean deeper insights).
Interesting Data Lake announcements to note:
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