Dr. Neil Pollock, writing for IIAR (Institute of Industry Analyst Relations), introduces us to the Tragic Quadrant, which materialized from information gleaned from the IIAR Analyst of the Year survey results. More than 60 analyst relations professionals responded. Dr. Pollock makes it very clear that this is not an exhaustive study (thus the “slightly cheeky” name). Nor is it “by no mean meant to be a normative or scientific depiction of the industry analysis industry.”
“The IIAR survey asked respondents to assess individual industry analysts on a range of issues broadly grouped according to the following criteria:
‘Impact’ (to what extent does the industry analyst impact the technology purchase decision);
‘Relevance’ (is the particular industry analyst relevant to the technology purchase decision, do they understand the marketplace);
‘Interaction’ (how easy is the industry analyst to reach and to interact with).”
In summary, three Tragic Quadrants have been produced:
Overall Industry Analyst Firm Quadrant – Gartner, Forrester and IDC came out ahead of rivals.
Global Industry Analyst Firms Quadrant – Gartner 1st place, Forrester 2nd place, and IDC 3rd place.
Independent Industry Analyst Firms Quadrant – Constellation 1st place, HfS 2nd place, SMB Group 3rd place, and Ventana in 4th.
Click here to read the entire post for more details and view the three quadrants.