I was thrilled to be on the Connect Vegas podcast! Thank you Ben Laifsky for the opportunity to talk about Cottrill Research. Ben’s opening statement was fantastic and he nailed the current state of searching for information in today’s environment. Here it is:
When the Internet was new everyone thought it would democratize access to information – that everything would get easier. And to some extent that happened but what’s more true now is the Internet is like the ocean and people dump in the ocean on a pretty regular basis. So you can find what looks like information but how do you know what’s the real thing? We go through that in our news where different news sources are night and day to each other about the same topics.”
We talk about a variety of topics including how corporate research has evolved from printed binders to today’s “overwhelming amount of online information,” understanding the critical need of information source credibility, researching startups, services and pricing model of Cottrill Research, my hometown of Marietta, Ohio and favorite Las Vegas restaurants and books.
I hope you can take a few minutes to listen!