There is a great site called 250 Words, with the tagline “The wisdom of business books.” Here is a description:
“250 Words extols the best business books for savvy readers. The main component of the site is a daily, digestible morsel–250 words long–that features a business book (new and classic titles) from all publishers. The emphasis is on wisdom and practical advice, and though each post only takes a few minutes to read, we hope that they will inspire our readers to think about the world differently.”
The topic covered in this post is a simple negotiation tactic that was featured in a recent interview with Max Bazerman, the author of The Power of Noticing: What the Best Leaders See. The main point: “If someone gives you two options, don’t assume that there are only two options.” The writer of the post, Sam McNerney, goes on to “recommend taking a look at Dan and Chip Heath’s model for decision-making—WRAP—where the first step is ‘Widen Your Options.’ When we only focus on what’s visible we risk ignoring other possibilities. Always remember Option C.”