On March 31, Adobe announced the Adobe Digital Economy Index, (DEI), which provides insights on digital commerce trends in near real-time. Powered by Adobe Analytics, the DEI is “able to quickly and accurately report figures in just days, and uniquely includes data on what people actually buy and what they pay for their products, rather than just scrape prices from websites or rely entirely on survey data.” According to Adobe, the DEI analyzes U.K. and data, but will soon expand to include other countries that have significant digital economies. The DEI shows the impact that the COVID-10 outbreak is having on consumer spending as online shopping has increased.
The key finding for March 2020: The digital economy has been growing faster than the economy as a whole in March. In fact, ecommerce has grown 25% from March 13 – 15 compared to baseline period of March 1 – 11, driven primarily by online grocery shopping due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19. States like California, New Hampshire and Oregon saw the highest lift in online sales. Additionally, daily online grocery sales have doubled YoY for the two-week period…The DEI finds that what people buy online is expanding as one-day delivery, buy online pickup in-store, and other fulfillment innovations make more products digitally accessible.