IHS Chemical Week, formerly known as Chemical Week, celebrated its 100th anniversary as its first issue, originally known as Weekly Drug Markets, was published in September 1914 and “the acute need for industry and market intelligence has not abated.” In discussing industry trends and challenges, IHS states, “Today, biotechnology and nanotechnology and other technical developments are revolutionizing product applications, and trends in polymer science are allowing vehicle lightweighting and other applications to become a recognized benefit of plastics…. An enduring, remaining challenge is the mixed perception and reputation of the chemical industry, perhaps overshadowed by the high profile of disposal issues from plastics waste, the mystique of the giant chemical facility, and perceptions of hazard.”
IHS Chemical Week provides global chemical industry news and analysis, covering all sectors and geographies. Insights and analysis are presented in these categories: World News and Views, People and Business, Environtech, Markets, Services, and Economics. As many procurement professionals probably remember, this publication use to publish price reports every week. Even though these are no longer provided, articles about pricing and market forecasts and demand for all sectors are published frequently.