In acknowledging the booming UK tech landscape, IDG has announced new UK-focused enterprise brands:
- Launch of CSO UK – a security brand helping technology and business leaders stay ahead of evolving threats and insights
- Relaunch of its CIO UK and Computerworld UK brands
- Introduction of InfoWorld and Network World to the UK in early 2020
The IDG press release cites findings from a 2019 Tech Nation report:
- Scaleup tech investment was 2.5x higher than expected in the UK
- Investments for UK scaleup digital tech firms grew 61% between 2017 and 2018
- The UK technology sector produced thirteen $1 billion-dollar tech companies in the past year
The press release goes on to state: “As the UK technology scene becomes more vibrant, more individuals are becoming involved in the technology purchase process…IDG UK is excited to enhance its brand portfolio to ensure full coverage of trending technology topics, from AI, IoT, 5G and beyond. Mapping the editorial portfolio to the needs of these decision-makers, content for the c-suite will be covered in CIO and CSO; vendor relationships, business relationships and helping the workforce from apps to the network with Computerworld and Network World; and insights for the next-gen enterprise and UK’s disruptive start-up scene with InfoWorld and Techworld.”