Stephen’s Lighthouse blog picked up a great article that covers Pew survey results featuring what the most-desired skills of 2020 will be… Here are some highlights:
“Internet literacy was mentioned by many people. The concept generally refers to the ability to search effectively for information online and be able to discern the quality and veracity of the information one finds and then communicate these findings well.”
“Collective intelligence, crowd-sourcing, smart mobs, and the ‘global brain’ are some of the descriptive phrases tied to humans working together to accomplish things in a collaborative manner.”
Jonathan Grudin, principal researcher at Microsoft, emphasized the critical thinking involved in analytical search processes.
Patrick Tucker, deputy editor of The Futurist says that two modes of thinking – “rapid information gathering vs. slower information processing and critical analysis – represent two different cultures, each with its own value system.”
From grassroots members of the CPA profession: 1) strategic thinking. 2) synthesizing information from many sources and relate it to the big picture. 3) networking and collaboration. 4) leadership and communications, and 5) technical savvy.