The Global Sustainable Enterprise System (GSES) was developed to address the all too real issue of grappling with the large number of sustainability certifications that are available in the market. The GSES platform uses the Global Sustainable Enterprise Standard (the Standard) as the universal language to measure sustainability. It is a SaaS-based platform that rates, verifies and certifies the sustainability performance at the process, supply chain, and product level. The system aligns over 550 ecolabels and sustainable certificates and uses worldwide accepted standards to holistically measure sustainability performance.
The System is useful for buyers, suppliers, consumers, and B2B brands and organizations. They have rated over 100,000 organizations on more than 77 sectors. Their platform is live in more than 100 countries and over 3000,000 products have been rated. GSES works together with large certification institutions, which means that all the data within their system is verified independently or audited independently.
There is confusion about which certificate(s) to use, as some can be industry specific or country specific, and how to combine certifications to meet specific needs. As explained by CEO Kelly Ruigrok, their business model is not to sell data but to sell “licenses of dashboards so you can actually register on [their] platform to access as a supplier, a buyer or as an investor, for example [as] a bank dealing with green loans and create your own dashboard… the supply chain dashboard can be used for tender management, supplier sourcing management, and also category selection and spend analysis are part of the dashboard as well.”
GSES as a solution provides an organization with a meta-standard that combines all sustainability certifications and labels into one asset, a sustainability rating card for others to view, sustainability performance assessments for measurement, a procurement dashboard to help manage the supply chain, and the ability to invite stakeholders and suppliers to meet sustainability requirements.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay