The International Market & Competitive Intelligence (IMCI) Magazine is a newly launched open source publication that focuses on competitive and market intelligence topics. The Editor in Chief is Rom Gayoso, PhD. It is international in scope and included in the back is a “Voices Heard in This Issue” map, where you can visualize the global reach of the contributors. To read the full July/August 2021 issue, click here, and scroll down to “Magazine Access” and click on the Read button.
The publication is organized via segments. The leading story in the Methods segment, “Technical Competitive Intelligence Method,” is written by Rom Gayoso. It features a seven-step process on how to map an evolving technology for targeted competitor intelligence research and is useful in the area of supply intelligence for supplier evaluation. The second article in this section focuses on a smart note-taking approach to increase research efficiency, contributed by Dmitrii Kuptsov. When researching, an abundance of information is encountered, often coming from multiple sources in varying forms, and the use of note taking serves as a “structured knowledge management strategy.”
Under Economic Intelligence, the article entitled, “Economic Intelligence for Action,” discusses what economic intelligence is and why it is important. A number of different types of economic indicators are mentioned such as GDP for consumer sentiment, IT spending for high tech, TAM (Total Available Market and MSS (Market Segment Share) for key performance, and the OECD Composite Leading Indicator. This article is written by Asia Aslam, PhD.
In the Competitive Intelligence section, you will find Arthur Weiss’s interesting article, “Competitive Intelligence Escape Rooms – A New Approach to CI Training, Team Building, and Testing Knowledge.” The author explains an Escape Room is “a type of puzzle game where participants have to find clues to solve puzzles in order to escape a room or series of rooms – generally in a set period of time.” Using an Escape Room concept is a new approach in CI training. The CI Escape Room referenced here uses different rooms, each representing a different skill or area, that participants move through. It’s an intriguing concept and one that can be applied to any type of competence training. It could be applied to supply intelligence, with each room representing a different area in the supplier intelligence process, starting with supplier discovery.
Under Market Intelligence, in the article entitled, “Identifying Target Markets Using Global Landscape Monitoring,” Kenan Mahmutoglu speaks to professional buyers by discussing in detail how to use the International Trade Center’s “Trade Map” platform. Using this, he states, is “a good way to understand markets and identify/size potential trade opportunities” and “identify supply chain partners mostly associated with a product.”
In the Bookmark section, two books are discussed. The first is, The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, by Michael Lewis (review by Paul Thomas, PhD.), and the second is Small Data, Big Disruptions: How to Spot Signals of Change and Manage Uncertainty, by the author Martin Schwirn.
The Foresight Section features articles about dedicating resources to think about the future; the future of working, consuming and leisuring from home; and participatory foresight with stakeholders.
Looking to the future, I can predict that I will be welcoming the next issue of IMCI! Thank you Rom Gayoso for making available such a generous offering of insight and intelligence.
Here is the Table of Contents:
Feature photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash