For about a year I have been curating an open access collection of indices that can be useful for supply market intelligence. A new crop has recently been added. There are twelve categories: Country/Geopolitical/Climate Risk, Commodities, Logistics and Transportation, Contingent Labor and Workforce, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Travel, Engineering and Construction, Supplier Risk, Pharma, and Marketing. The indices included are both open access, and fee based.
The collection is freely available to anyone. Keeping with the spirit of open access, suggestions for additions to include are welcome and eagerly anticipated. Here are the new additions:
Country/Geopolitical/Climate Risk
Global Competitiveness Index (CGI). This influential index by World Economic Forum is included in the Global Competitive Report, which assesses the competitiveness landscape of 140 economies. The report includes the rankings for every component of the Global Competitiveness Index.
Global Gender Gap Index – First published in 2006 by World Economic Forum, this index “ranks 145 economies according to how well they are leveraging their female talent pool, based on economic, educational, health-based and political indicators. With a decade of data, this edition of the Global Gender Gap Report – first published in 2006 – shows that while the world has made progress overall, stubborn inequalities remain.”
Global Peace Index – “The Global Peace Index (GPI), developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace, ranks the nations of the world according to their level of peacefulness… The index gauges global peace using three broad themes: the level of safety and security in society, the extent of domestic and international conflict and the degree of militarisation.”
Index of Economic Freedom – The Index of Economic Freedom, published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation, measures the impact of liberty and free markets around the globe. “The Index covers 10 freedoms – from property rights to entrepreneurship – in 186 countries.”
Terrorism Index – “The Global Terrorism Index, developed by the Institute for Economics and Peace, is a comprehensive summary of the impact of terrorism in 162 countries (covering 99% of the world’s population)… It investigates the patterns of terrorism by geographic activity, methods of attack, organisations involved and the national economic and political context.”
World Press Freedom Index – “The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks the performance of 180 countries according to a range of criteria that include media pluralism and independence, respect for the safety and freedom of journalists, and the legislative, institutional and infrastructural environment in which the media operate.”
Logistics and Transportation
Truck Tonnage Index – Produced by the American Trucking Association, this index measures the gross tonnage of freight that is transported by motor carriers for a given month.
A.T. Kearney U.S. Reshoring Index – The A.T. Kearney U.S. Reshoring Index “assesses reshored manufacturing by aggregating actual U.S. manufacturing and import data. The annual growth of both manufactured goods imports from key offshore trading partners… are analyzed along with U.S. manufacturing gross output… A simple ratio of annual offshore manufactured goods import values to U.S. manufacturing gross output [is calculated]…The… Index tracks the year-over-year spread in the manufacturing import ratio, measured in basis points.”
Annual North American Automotive OEM Tier 1 Supplier Working Relations Index® Study – “This is an survey that examines the working relations between Tier 1 suppliers and their North American-based OEM customers from the suppliers’ perspective… Using Planning Perspectives’ (PPI) proprietary Working Relations Index® (WRI®) the qualitative working relations of each OEM are quantitatively determined and ranked on a 500-point scale.”
Miscellaneous and Markets
Import/Export Price Indexes – The U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes measure average changes in prices of goods and services that are imported to or exported from the U.S. The indexes are produced monthly by the International Price Program (IPP) of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Supplier Risk – Financial, CSR
Risk Exposure Index – This index, created by MIT professor David Simchi-Levi, enables companies “to fully quantify their maximum risk exposure from natural disasters or any other unpredictable supply chain disruptions. It specifically assesses for each node, or site, in a given supply chain the resulting financial impact, such as loss of revenue or loss of profit, or operational impact, such as loss of production volume.”